21. September 2019

Short Films by Valérie Massadian

FR/US, 2013, 7′, Slovenian subtitles
Hoh Rainforest, Washington. One place. One boy. One day. One shot. One reel of film.

FR, 2014, 10′, Slovenian subtitles
A father dies. A mother stays. A daughter makes a little film in hope to ease their mourning.

FR, 2011, 24′, Slovenian subtitles
An isolated house. Time flows to the rhythm of nature and of a 4-year-old little girl, Ninouche, who, facing silence and absence, reorganizes the world at her height.

Age is ... (segment Precious)
Valérie & Mel Massadian, FR, 2014, 4′20″, no dialogues
Stephen Dowskin asked a few friends to give him whatever they wanted, to include/or not, in his last feature film entitled Age Is … Precious is a segment we gave him, and that was included in the film. A farewell present out of love.

The director Valérie Massadian will be present at the screenings.

Tickets: €4


Organization: Kinoteka; in co-operation with City of Women.