Isabel Carvalho

Isabel Carvalho (she/her) is an artist whose work is characterised by experimentation and exists at the crossroads of visual arts, writing, editing, and publication. Within her artistic practice, she delves into the materiality of language, extending this exploration to non-verbal forms of expression and communication. She has engaged in artistic residencies in Singapore, Germany, and Norway, and her works are featured in various public collections. She founded the Leonorana magazine in 2017, where she served as both author and editor. Additionally, she is a founding member of EARTHSEA, a cultural association dedicated to advancing and disseminating interdisciplinary artistic research focused on the intersection of ecology and technology. Notable recent exhibitions include Casting a Sounding Voice (2023, Guimarães), Museu Mineiro (2022, Porto), Langages Tissés (2021, Albi, France), AR(a)C(hné)-EN-CIEL (2019, Lisbon), Strange Attractor (2021, Lisbon), and Pés de barro (2021, Porto).